Image: MTC/California High-Speed Train from 1999
From Progressive Railroading:
The Surface Transportation Authorization Act of 2009 (STAA) proposes $99.8 billion for public transportation — a more than 90 percent increase compared with SAFETEA-LU levels. The bill also calls for investing $50 billion in high-speed rail. The (funding) guidelines institute a July 10 pre-application deadline, which will enable the Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) to provide feedback on project applications, according to National Association of Railroad Passengers (NARP). Final applications for funding Tracks 1, 3 and 4 are due Aug. 24; applications for funding Track 2 are due by Oct. 2. The FRA plans to award the first round of grants by mid-September.
American Society of Civil Engineers comments:
The blueprint … will form a solid foundation for the future of the nation’s transportation systems.
High-Speed Intercity Passenger Rail Interim Program Guidance – (Pre-Application updated 6/19)
DOT Information Related to the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (Recovery Act) Transportation Investment Generating Economic Recovery “Tiger”