Astronomy’s New Messengers: Listening to the Universe with Gravitational Waves
Light Planning; Chinatown Little Italy Historic District
Publicolor, Color is Energy
Postal Mortem; Moynihan Station
SpectraScape Winter Morphs into Spring 3/20/2010
Atlantic Avenue Tunnel; Vertical Layers of New York
Accolades and Finales (and the Winter LightWalk)
Ribbon Cutting! Video from Dallas Main Street Garden Park
LYS – My Copenhagen Lighting Day
Public Lighting Theory – developing the nexus of lighting and urban design
Travel, Accolades and Openings
Mexico City; Las Calles y Luz de “La Capital”
Interview with Leni Schwendinger about SpectraScape
LightMapping NYC – Join the exploration of light and dark November 11-18
Public Lighting Walk With Leni… Video Shoot Preview
HTO Park, in Toronto, submitted for 2009 Toronto Urban Design Award
Design Observer/Change Observer Debate: A Thousand Points on Light!
SpectraScape – an interactive, media artwork for Dallas Main Street Garden Park
Queens Plaza, New York City — Groundbreaking, August 3rd 2009
dérive*: A Cultural Week in Manhattan – 090725